Cost table for constructing a first level waifu NFT.

Type of Waifu Simpthetix Chantment Bento Nyans
MIMI-CHAN 240 400 - 600
HITOMI 150 250 - 375
H1-BRIDE - 300 - 600
CHANTRESS 180 - - 600

Income/Consumption table for Mimi-chan:

Level Income(Nyans) Bento Consumption Nyan Consumption
1 15 2 2
2 30 5 5
3 68 15 15
4 170 45 45
5 510 135 135

Income/Consumption table for Hitomi:

Level Income(Bento) Bento Consumption Nyan Consumption
1 7 - 5
2 14 - 13
3 32 - 39
4 80 - 117
5 240 - 351

Income/Consumption table for H1-Bride:

Level Income(Simpthetix) Bento Consumption Nyan Consumption
1 3 3 4
2 6 8 10
3 14 24 30
4 35 72 90
5 105 216 270

Income/Consumption table for Chantress:

Level Income(Chantment) Bento Consumption Nyan Consumption
1 5 2 4
2 10 5 10
3 23 15 30
4 58 45 90
5 174 135 270

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